
Easy to Make Decadent Chocolate Malt Ice Cream

When Chocolate Malt on it’s own isn’t enough, make yourself a batch of Chocolate Malt Ice Cream!

Make this creamy chocolate malt ice cream recipe and enjoy with friends and family.

Chocolate is a gift from God! Seriously!

This Chocolate Malt Ice Cream is the stuff.

When it comes to ice cream, this is the kind of stuff that I try to hide from my kids so I don’t have to share it with them. But still, they find out and with a brave face, I share.

This. Ice. Cream. Chocolate Malt Ice Cream! Find the recipe @LittleFiggyFood
One thing you will always find in my pantry is a secret stash of chocolate, usually the really darkest of dark chocolate. Right now, I have 3 hefty bars of 99% and 100% chocolate, and a half box of Raisinets. Also, thanks to this recipe, I have an almost empty container of malted milk balls, wait, no – it’s now empty. All of them are carefully hidden and nope, I’m not telling where.

What is it about ice cream? The creamy, dreaminess that’s been frozen into a scoop of crazy madness that we have fallen for since we were kids. Ice cream speaks every language. It can take on some of the simplest to the most complex of ingredients and make us smile. Making your own ice cream is just as fun as you would anticipate. You can mix all sorts of goodies, even sweet and savory ingredients can be anchored into a quart of this stuff.

Want to try other ice cream recipes, try my favorite Icebox Lemon Pie Ice Cream with chewy Meringue Cookies, or this dairy free Coconut Ice Cream!

This. Ice. Cream. Chocolate Malt Ice Cream! Find the recipe @LittleFiggyFood
I do enjoy experimenting with all sorts of ingredients. Still I find myself heavily leaning towards chocolate flavored ice creams. Due to my leanings, and in honor of one of my childhood favorite candies –

I give you Chocolate Malt Ice Cream.

Upside down waffle ice cream cone filled with Chocolate Malt Ice Cream.

Chocolate Malt Ice Cream


Chocolate Malt Ice Cream! You're welcome.


  • 1 1/4 cups Milk
  • 1 1/4 cups Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 1 cup Malted Milk Powder
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 cup Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 1 cup Malted Milk Balls, slightly crushed


  1. Combine the Milk, Cream, and Sugar together in a saucepan over medium high heat and bring to a gentle boil. Turn down heat to low.
  2. Whisk the Egg Yolks until foamy, then add in the Malted Milk Powder, Vanilla and Salt and mix well.
  3. Take about 1/4 cup of the Milk mixture and slowly add to the Yolks mixture whisking continuously, this is to warm up the yolks.
  4. Add the Egg Yolks mixture slowly back into the warm milk, while whisking together. Continue to whisk and cook over low heat for about 4 - 5 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat, add in the Chocolate Chips and mix until melted and well combined.
  6. Allow mixture to cool completely then chill mixture for at least 2 - 4 hours.
  7. Once chilled, pour into your ice cream maker and freeze according to directions.
  8. When the ice cream is ready, fold in about 3/4 cup of the crushed Malted Milk Balls, reserving some to top it off.
  9. Transfer Ice Cream to a freezer safe container and continue to freeze in the freezer for several hours to firm it up further.

Serve and enjoy!


If you want to cool down the ice cream base down quicker, simply set the saucepan over a bowl fill with ice for about 20 minutes and continue to make ice cream as directed in step 7.

This. Ice. Cream. Chocolate Malt Ice Cream! Find the recipe @LittleFiggyFood

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  1. Ice cream does speak every language! Especially in summer. We’re having a heat wave and I only want to eat cold foods…or even better, frozen!

    1. Yes it does! And in this heat, ice cream is definitely the best and tastiest way to stay cool!

    1. Thank you Sam! I hope you find one that you enjoy and then you can make loads of yummy ice cream.

  2. Ugh, kids man. The best, but simultaneously the worst when they demand that you share all your best desserts. Haha!

  3. I don’t eat ice cream that often, but when I do it’s usually some form of chocolate. This one looks and sounds dreamy. I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to say no.

  4. Hahah!! I guess that is just another one of the joys of having kids. I don’t really need to hide my ice cream from my fiance because he would rather eat a bowl of frozen peas than eat ice cream. Weird, I know.
    This looks perfect for me! I actually got 2 hours of sleep last night because it was way too hot for me. Maybe this could be my midnight snack 😉

    1. Oh it’s the answer to those sleepless nights all right, at least in my opinion it is! lol.

  5. Oh this looks absolutely amazing. Nothing cools better than a scoop of an ice cream in the summer. I’m definitely making this. Interesting recipe I’ve never tried.

  6. I’m drooling all over the screen, this ice cream looks incredible! Can’t wait to make it before summer is over 🙂

  7. I know what you mean about those ice cream creations that need to be hidden! Such a great ice cream and the flavors are amazing..I wll double my recipe and share with the kids too 🙂

  8. It’s been hot and humid the past week and I’ve been finding myself heading to Culver’s to get an ice cream sundae a few times. I’d much rather have homemade ice cream ready and I think this will be fun to make with family!

  9. Wow! This looks sooooo good! What a perfect dessert to serve up now that the weather has warmed up .. super easy to make and such a creative idea adding the malt.

  10. This is such a sexy ice cream photo! I love chocolate malt ice cream. I’ve had it before and this looks good!

  11. Way back when I was a child, (WWII) the May Co. and Higbee’s Dept. stores in downtown Cleveland, OH (Think “A Christmas Story”) sold a Frosted Malted. It was very thick and served in a glass and took forever to finish. A place called Weber’s in Fairview Park, a suburb, still sells them but as a frozen custard now. Your recipe is calling to me and my daughter and I know it will be wonderful. It’s a very hard to find flavor and when it does show up, it disappears just as quickly, for some unknown reason. I can’t imagine anyone not liking Chocolate Malted. Thank you for the recipe! So good!

    1. Hello Beverly! I absolutely love that you shared this with me! AND I love that you enjoyed the recipe… it’s one of our family’s favorites and my kids (for some crazy reason) make it disappear just as fast as I make it. Thank you!!! 🙂

  12. I kid you not. This is the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever had. I absolutely love chocolate malted ice cream. You just can’t find it in the grocery store. This took me back to my childhood at the local dairy. Wow! Thanks for posting this one.

    1. Oh my goodness Kathleen! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! I adore chocolate malted ice cream too and it just doesn’t seem to exist in the stores, but thankfully it’s too easy to make! So happy you found this recipe! 🙂

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